Stay Cozy During the Colder Months
A properly insulated home gives a significant boost to your heating systems. Whether you use a furnace or mini-split, high-performance insulation adds a layer of security to your attic. The heated air in your home is much less likely to escape, creating a more comfortable, cozier environment for you and your family throughout the winter months. Your heating unit doesn’t have to work overtime to heat your home, meaning you can expect to save on heating bills as well.
Keep Cool, Conditioned Air Inside
When you turn on your AC on a hot summer day, you’re creating conditioned air that is meant to stay inside your home, promoting comfort at stable, reliable temperatures. If insulation is lacking, however, conditioned air can escape. Hot, outside air makes its way into the home. This means your air conditioning system has to work much harder than it should to keep your home cool. High-performance attic insulation (in conjunction with air sealing) helps to ensure that this is never a problem.